Created by R.G., ZHAW, on 07.05.2024
Last updated by L.T., ZHAW, on 07.11.2024
This page gives an overview about different simulation results about bifacial PV systems carried out for an alpine location in Switzerland. For that, parameters such as Ground Cover Ratio (GCR), azimuth, module tilt, Slope of Ground (SoG) of a system are changed and analyzed. The simulations are done with the software tool PVsyst [1].
Structure of the simulations
Simulation results
To analyze the simulation results two different key-performance-indicators are used, the «specific yield» and the «area specific yield»:
Specific Yield
- kWh/kWp
- Produced energy per installed STC peak power
- Value to find best system with lowest share of module costs
- Optimum utilisation of sunlight on an individual module
Area Specific Yield
- kWh/m2
- Produced energy per square meter system area
- Value to find best system for highest energy output
- Optimum utilisation of the available system space
Annual specific yield
Winter specific yield
According to recommendations of the SFOE [4] a specific yield of at least 500 kWh/kWp has to be reached over the winter half year (october – march) at the measurement point in average over three measurement years. Since the results of the simulations were carried out without a horizon profile and are only considered on the DC side, only system designs that achieve more than 700 kWh/kWp are presented here.
Annual area specific yield
In order to qualify for the subsidy for the large-scale PV system, a second target must be achieved in accordance with the SFOE’s recommendations [4]. On average over the three measurement years, at least 10 GWh of energy must be fed into the grid. Optimising the system based on the specific yield could result in a significant proportion of the energy that could be generated in a given Alpine region being lost. Consequently, the analysis was also conducted on a yearly basis, taking into account the area-specific yield.
Impact of the horizon
Reliability of the simulation results
The reliability of these results is assessed by comparing them with measurements from the experimental plant of ZHAW Wädenswil [7] over the last five years, which are located in Davos, Switzerland. It should be noted that these are free-standing modules, so the values can only be compared with a system where the self-shading caused by individual rows is minimised. In contrast to the previous data, the simulated energy was not used at the inverter input (DC side) for this comparison but at its output (AC side). However, the inverter used in the simulation differs from the one used in reality, which is likely to be a contributing factor to the difference. It should also be noted that the same weather data was not available as in the measurement years. Only a typical year was used. The simulations were based on the assumption that the systems are not affected by snow cover. In reality, according to the experience of the ZHAW Wädenswil, this can amount to 1-2% for steep module angles.
The graph shows that the simulation of a 60° tilt system with a SoG of 40° leads to a higher yield than the actual measurements. Basically, the summer months (55.2%) are overestimated, while winter (44.8%) is underestimated. In fact, the simulation with 75° inclined modules is also below the actual measurements at a SoG of 40°. Here, the simulation underestimates the achievable specific yields. The same applies to the vertical system. It also simulates less specific yield in winter than was measured in Davos. Furthermore, the vertical system demonstrates a greater tendency to underestimate the actual specific yield in comparison to the 60° and 75° inclined modules. The aforementioned differences can be attributed to two key factors: the discrepancies already discussed and the inherent uncertainties associated with PVsyst modelling. These include the selected albedo, the limitations in calculating the bifacial component and other special effects, such as edge effects. It is important to note that this comparison is only intended to serve as a preliminary assessment of the simulation and is not intended to be a comprehensive verification.
All the parameters which were changed during this study have a cuucial impact in how the PV system on a Alpine location should be designed. To understand how the horizon profile is impacting the course of the sun and therefore the specific yield of a system is a key to find the optimal solution. The example provided here indicates that orientating the modules to the east (-90°) may be a suitable approach, although this may vary depending on the location.
Specific yield and area specific yield
It is not recommended to optimize a System only considering the parameter of specific yield to produce more energy within the available space. According to this the best System would be the one with less self-shading, therefore with e small GCR. But, depending on the orientation and inclination of the ground, up to twice as much energy can be obtained per available square meter of system area with a higher GCR. Like that more modules can be placed on the same area, which leads to a higher area-specific yield. If the module prices are not the cost-driving factor, it makes sense to design the system in a way to achieve the optimum between the specific and the area-specific yield. These two KPIs can therefore be used to ensure that the system sufficiently meets/exceeds the federal government’s targets of 500kWh/kWp (winter half-year) and 10 GWh.
Module tilt and orientation
Azimuth of -90°/90°
The results of this parametric study show, that the module tilt for the optimal system is dependent of the chosen or available orientation in the alpine region. Orienting the system -90°/90° the simulations show that a vertical system will have the highest specific and area specific yield. With Increasing SoG it is possible to place the rows with a short distance between each row and reach a specific yield in winter that will be more than 700kWh/kWp. The lower SoGs are shifting the boundary for reaching this value during winter more to smaller GCRs. In the case of a horizontal underground the system will not be able to reach this aim. For this orientation, the optimal winter production share is 39.8% of the annual specific yield, achievable with a SoG of 40° and 90° tilted modules. The minimum winter share is observed with the horizontal system and 60° tilted modules, at 37.9%.
Azimuth of -45°/45°
Annual specific yield has been observed to decrease with the rotation of the systems to an azimuth of -45°/45°. However, this reduction is offset by an increase in yield during the winter half year. The 60° tilted modules have been found to perform better than the others, with the exception of a SoG of 40°, where the 75° tilted modules could potentially offer a more favourable outcome in the simulation environment. Consequently, the discrepancy between the module tilt angles is reduced when the specific yield at the winter half year is considered. It can be seen that the horizontal systems will not reach the threshold, and with a low SoG of 10°, only GCRs up to 0.6 could be used. This would increase the size of the overall system to reach 10 GWh annually. For steeper SoGs, it is possible to design systems with higher GCRs than 1 in order to reach the winter half-year aim.
Azimuth of 0°
The use of an azimuth of 0° for the PV system allows for the maximisation of the winter half-year share for all types of module inclination. This is evidenced by the fact that vertical modules on a SoG of 40° have the highest share at 54.1%. The horizontal system with vertical modules can achieve up to 52.2%, while the horizontal 60° system has the lowest share of 47.5% across all module inclinations. In the south direction, even the horizontal system could reach 700 kWh/kWp if it has a low GCR and self-shading is reduced to a minimum. However, the graph shows that in winter, all slopes produce similar specific yields, with the differences in the relative proportion mainly due to the different specific yields in summer. From an annual perspective, a module inclination of 60° stands out and achieves the highest specific yield.
Winter share
The results of the parametric study show that the module tilt for the optimal system is dependent on the chosen or available orientation in the alpine region. Orienting the system at -90°/90° results in the highest specific and area-specific yield in the simulations. As the SoG increases, it becomes possible to place the rows with a short distance between each, allowing the system to reach a specific yield in winter that will be more than 700 kWh/kWp. The lower SoGs shift the boundary for reaching this value during winter to smaller GCRs. In the case of a horizontal underground system, this aim cannot be reached. The optimal share of winter production for this orientation is 39.8% of the annual specific yield, which can be achieved with a 40° and 90° tilted module system. As a minimum, 37.9% of the annual yield can be achieved with a horizontal system and 60° tilted modules.
Adaption to other locations
The simulations were conducted without a horizon to ensure independence from the location in question. However, this is only one of several parameters that describe the selected location, Davos Totalp. The weather conditions in each alpine location are unique, so it is important to ensure that the results are accurate. One way to do this is to compare the annual and seasonal irradiation to identify any differences in global horizontal irradiation. If the value is higher, it can be assumed that the PV system will achieve higher energy yields. Conversely, if the yield is lower, the opposite would be the case.
- [1] PVSyst V7.4.6.
- [2] Google Maps
- [3] Meteonorm V7.3
- [4] SFOE, «Requirements for calculating the energy yield for large-scale photovoltaic systems in accordance with Art. 71a EnG» (German), Ittigen 2023
- [5] Harvey S.,»Weissfluhjoch – 2536 m.a.s.l.»,, (accessed 25.04.2024)
- [6] Bucher Ch., Photovoltaikanlagen, Faktor Verlag 2021
- [7] Anderegg, D., Strebel, S., & Rohrer, J. (2023). Alpine Photovoltaik Versuchsanlage Davos Totalp: Erkenntnisse aus 5 Jahren Betrieb. ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, IUNR Institut für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen.